Nordea Bank AB; EUR 557 million in March 2017 and; If P&C; SEK 6.0 billion (EUR 620 million) in December 2017. On 25 January 2018 Nordea Bank AB’s Board of Directors proposed to the Annual General meeting to be held on 15 March 2018, a dividend of EUR 0.68 per share. With its current holding Sampo plc’s share amounts to EUR 585 million.


Feb 24, 2021 (Bloomberg) -- The largest owner of Nordea Bank Abp said it plans to Sampo committed to targeting a progressive insurance dividend; 

Thereafter, ownership fell to 19.9 percent. Source: isfi Nordea Bank AB; EUR 557 million in March 2017 and; If P&C; SEK 6.0 billion (EUR 620 million) in December 2017. On 25 January 2018 Nordea Bank AB’s Board of Directors proposed to the Annual General meeting to be held on 15 March 2018, a dividend of EUR 0.68 per share. With its current holding Sampo plc’s share amounts to EUR 585 million. SAMPO PLC STOCK EXHANGE RELEASE | March 24, 2021 Sampo's share of Nordea's net profit for January-September 2020 Nordea intends to pay out a dividend for the financial year 2019 and the Board will review the situation in the fourth Dividend: The AGM authorised the Board of Directors to decide on a dividend payment, in one or several instalments, of a maximum of EUR 0.72 per share based on the balance sheet adopted for the financial year ended 31 December 2020..

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2021 — The impairment loss will not impact the dividend paid for 2020 as it is, in accordance with the dividend policy, treated as an extraordinary item in  8 aug. 2019 — Sampo är Nordeas största ägare och då banken har flera utmaningar för tillfället har den del av Nordeas vinst som är hänförlig till Sampos  SAMPO GROUP´S RESULTS FOR 2007 AND DIVIDEND PROPOSAL 5 februari 2008 beviljat Sampo Abp tillstånd att öka sitt ägande i Nordea Bank AB (​publ)  SAMPO GROUP´S RESULTS FOR 2007 AND DIVIDEND PROPOSAL 5 februari 2008 beviljat Sampo Abp tillstånd att öka sitt ägande i Nordea Bank AB (​publ)  11 feb. 2021 — Finska Sampo skriver ned det bokförda värdet på sitt innehav i Nordea till 7,50 euro per aktie från tidigare 8,90 euro per aktie. Nedskrivningen  Sampo Oyj har beslutat om en extrautdelning i form av Nordea-aktier till sina aktieägare.

Sampo kirjasi arvonalentumistappion Nordea-osakkeistaan laskemalla kirjanpitoarvon 7,50 euroon osakkeelta. Publicerad: 2021-02-11 (GlobeNewswire) Sampo impairs the book value of its Nordea shares to EUR 7.50. Publicerad: 2021-02-11 (GlobeNewswire)

Sampo A komplett bolagsfakta från SAMPO: NORDEA SÄNKER RIKTKURSEN TILL 40 EUR (41).

Sampo nordea dividend

SAMPO GROUP´S RESULTS FOR 2007 AND DIVIDEND PROPOSAL 5 februari 2008 beviljat Sampo Abp tillstånd att öka sitt ägande i Nordea Bank AB (​publ) 

Sampo nordea dividend

Shareholders get 1 Nordea Sampo Group is made up of the parent company Sampo plc and its subsidiaries, If P&C, Mandatum, Hastings and Topdanmark. Summary.

Consequently, Sampo’s Board has, after applying management judgement, today decided to impair the book value of the Nordea shares. The impairment loss will not impact the dividend paid for 2020 as it is, in accordance with the dividend policy, treated as an extraordinary item in the dividend calculation. Sampo kirjasi arvonalentumistappion Nordea-osakkeistaan laskemalla kirjanpitoarvon 7,50 euroon osakkeelta Publicerad: 2021-02-11 (GlobeNewswire) Sampo impairs the book value of its Nordea shares to EUR 7.50 HELSINKI, June 13 (Reuters) - Finnish financial group Sampo said on Thursday it would distribute to its shareholders an extra dividend in the form of shares in banking group Nordea. 2019-08-07 · The payment date is 12 August 2019 for the share dividend and 16 August 2019 for the cash compensation. In Finland, a share dividend is taxed similarly as cash dividend. Sampo will pay the Finnish Sampo distributes an extra dividend in the form of Nordea shares. Sampo plc’s Board of Directors has today, as planned and previously announced on 13 June 2019, resolved to distribute an extra dividend in the form of Nordea Bank Abp shares.
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Hence, as of 30 September 2019, the Groups solvency would only be calculated in accordance with the Solvency II rules and Nordea shares would be treated as a normal equity investment. Sampo plc’s Board of Directors has today, as planned and previously announced on 13 June 2019, resolved to distribute an extra dividend in the form of Nordea Bank Abp shares.

Each shareholder will receive 1 Nordea share for each 10 Sampo shares.

Sampo nordea dividend

Sampo plans to distribute an extra dividend in the form of Nordea shares Sampo plc’s Board of Directors plans to resolve on the distribution of an extra dividend, subject to the authorization by the Annual General Meeting held on 9 April 2019, in its meeting scheduled for 7 August 2019.

— Nordea är en av de Utdelning nordea 2019 Hoppa till Utdelning nordea aktier. 2020 på en aktie i Nordea för tio aktier i Sampo. med stabil utdelning – Dividend Aristocrats.

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Sampos och Nordeas styrelseordförande Björn Wahlroos får 11,7 miljoner euro i dividend. ― Källa: Helsingin Sanomat Enligt Helsingin Sanomats beräkningar betyder det här att staten får 67

Sampo plc’s Board of Directors has proposed to the Annual General Meeting to be held on 19 May 2021 a dividend of EUR 1.70 per share (1.50). The proposed dividend payment amounts in total to EUR 944 million (833). If segment’s profit before taxes rose to EUR 901 million (884) the insurance technical result improved to EUR 811 million (685). Sampo’s dividend policy, adopted on 6 February 2020, is to pay total annual dividends of at least 70 per cent of Group’s net profit (excluding extraordinary items) and that share buy-backs can be used to complement the cash dividend. Nordea will still be an associate of Sampo. Consequently, Sampo’s Board has, after applying management judgement, today decided to impair the book value of the Nordea shares. The impairment loss will not impact the dividend paid for 2020 as it is, in accordance with the dividend policy, treated as an extraordinary item in the dividend calculation.

Feb 2, 2021 Nordea stake can distributed via dividend in specie in. Q2 2021 with the remainder sold for cash by Q4 2021. Leave no doubt that. Sampo will 

In total, Sampo distributed 55,517,639 Nordea shares as dividend. After the distribution, Sampo owns approximately 19.87 per cent of Nordea.

Nordea Allemansfond Alfa, 0,3  Innehaven i finanssektorn, främst i Nordea, Jyske Bank och Sampo, minskade avkastningen på fonden eftersom bolagen inte kunde betala utdelning som  5 apr. 2021 — Hur många aktier har Fröken i Sampo och till vilket värde? och är belånad till mellan 1 BMW pref, 4,2% Dividend Increase 13 of 2021 - Unilever PLC (UNA.